It was designed to hold 100 residents, but the highest number of students living there at any one time was 56. Image copyright Glasgow School of Art This under population only exacerbated a series of maintenance problems on the site. Inefficient heating, poor sound insulation and water leaks made life difficult for the trainee priests - but it did not stop them from enjoying a game of football. Image copyright Archdiocese of Glasgow In November 1979, only 13 years after it opened, the Archdiocese of Glasgow decided to close St Peter's because of the dwindling number of trainee priests, the maintenance issues and financial constraints. The building was used as a drug rehabilitation centre for four years in the 1980s, but then fell into a state of disrepair. Image copyright Historic Environment Scotland Architectural interest remained though, and in 1992 Historic Scotland granted St Peter's Category A listed status. Two years later, the adjoining Kilmahew House was gutted by fire and had to be demolished. Only the footprint of the mansion was left behind. Image copyright Historic Environment Scotland With no secure plans for the future, the site continued to deteriorate. Protected by a high steel fence, nature started to reclaim St Peter's.
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Reuters Vladimir and Nikolay ride a motorcycle to check on traps set near the village. Reuters Every morning in winter, Vladimir checks his traps and adjusts or moves them if เป้สะพายหลัง ยี่ห้ออะไรดี they are empty. Reuters If a wolf is caught in the jaws of a trap, he kills it and takes it home for skinning. Vladimir and Nikolay strangle a wolf after is caught in a trap. Reuters Nikolay releases the wolf's leg from the trap. Reuters Wolf numbers are more than seven times higher in the Belarussian part of the Chernobyl zone than in uncontaminated areas elsewhere in the region, according to a study published in scientific journal กระเป๋าแฟชั่น พร้อมส่ง Current Biology in 2015. Reuters About 1,700 wolves were culled in 2016, according to official data. Reuters Nikolay skins the wolf once back in the village. Reuters Krivenchik says no part of the animal goes to waste. The heart, leg-bones and other parts are sold for use in traditional medicine.
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